The 39th IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks is soliciting applications for travel scholarships to partially offset the cost of students planning to attend DSN-2009 in Lisbon, Portugal June 29 – July 2, 2009.

To be eligible, the applicant must be enrolled in a degree program at the time of DSN-2009. Authors of accepted papers and fast abstracts, students currently submitting papers to the Student Forum, and other students are all welcome to apply. Participation, such as presenting a regular paper or a paper in the Student Forum, will be used as one criterion in awarding the scholarships.

We anticipate awarding travel and registration grants with a value in the range of €800 per student (indicative, non-binding, estimate from previous years), thanks primarily to the support of our industrial sponsors, IEEE and IFIP. Some of this award may take the form of a waived registration fee. We expect to have a fair number of student grants, with the number available depending on industrial donations.

Student Travel Grant Application Submission:

To apply, submit by email a write-up not exceeding 500 words stating your student status and summarizing your current research related to dependable computing, what you hope to learn by attending the conference, and how you expect it to affect your future research directions. Synthesis is a quality of a good researcher, too long statement will play against yourself.

Also include, at the front of your submission, in this order:
-    Your name, postal address, electronic mail address, telephone number, and fax number   
-    To which DSN component, if any, did you submit a contribution (PDS, DCCS, which workshop, student forum, fast abstracts)?
-    What is your paper title?
-    Was your paper accepted (if known)?
-    What degree program are you in (BS/MS/MS+PhD/PhD)?
-    Who is your thesis advisor/supervisor?

Applications must be received no later than April 13, 2009. Application submission is via e-mail, preferably as a pdf attachment, to the following address: [email protected]. The awards will be announced on April 27, 2009. Questions can be directed to: Marco Vieira, University of Coimbra: [email protected].

All submissions will be confirmed via return e-mail. If you do not receive a confirmation within 48 hours of sending the e-mail please contact the Student Forum Chair, Marco Vieira, University of Coimbra: [email protected].