Future Prospects of Research on Security and Dependability
Jacques Bus Head of Unit, Trust and Security (ICT Programme) DG Information Society and Media, European Commission
A short overview will be given of current research efforts and resultsin the area of Trust And Security under the Information anCommunication Programme of the European Commission. Following this, attention will be given to the new workprogramme forwhich a call for proposals is open. In particular aspects of securityand trustworthiness of network infrastructures will be highlighted,together with work planned within the framework of activities towardsthe Future Internet. Some longer term thinking with respect to researchprogramming might be presented as well.
Speaker:Jacques Bus studied Mathematics at the University of Amsterdam andobtained his PhD with a thesis in Numerical Mathematics. He worked as aresearcher at CWI (Amsterdam) for 15 years. In 1988 he joined theEuropean Commission services and has been working in several jobs inthe Esprit and IST research programmes. From March 2004 he has taken responsibility for the unit Trust andSecurity in the IST Programme, which includes Security of Network andService infrastructures, Critical Information InfrastructureProtection, Identity and Privacy management, and enabling technologiesfor trust and security.