Parallel Session Chair: TBD
- Decreasing log data of multi-tier services for effective request tracing
Bo Sang, Jianfeng Zhan, Guanhua Tian - Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
- Transparent Byzantine Fault-Tolerant Directory Service using COTS components
Francisco Vieira, Paulo Sousa, Alysson Neves Bessani University of Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciencias, LaSIGE - Portugal
- The promising potential of the BDMP formalism for security modeling
Ludovic Piètre-Cambacédès, Marc Bouissou Electricité de France
- Do-It-Yourself Shared-Storage Cluster with an Off-the-Shelf DBMS
Luis Soares, Josè Pereira University of Minho
- Fault Tolerant and Energy-Efficient Real-Time Scheduling of Packet Transmission for Wireless Network Interface Cards
Jinkyu Koo, Myungjin Lee, and Saurabh Bagchi School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Purdue University
- eOSI: A Layer Model for Developing Fault-Tolerant Embedded Systems
Antonio H. F. de Morais1, Gláucio B. Brandão1, Ana M. G. Guerreio - Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte1 Ricardo A. M. Valentim - Federal Institute of Rio Grande do Norte2
- Towards Assessing the Impact of Security Attacks in Web Servers
Naaliel Mendes, Joao Duraes, Marco Vieira, Henrique Madeira CISUC, Department of Informatics Engineering University of Coimbra, Portugal
- Selective Process Persistence: A New Memory Technology Supported Mechanism for Highly Dependable Systems
Hyojeen Kim and Sam H. Noh Department of Computer Engineering, Hongik University
- Architecture for runtime detection and resolution of IOMMU errors in embedded virtualized environment
Varun Sethi, Stuart Yoder Freescale Semiconductor
- BFT Services Programming with a Dependable Tuple Space
François Aubry Alysson Neves Bessani Paulo Sousa University of Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciencias, LaSIGE Portugal
- Support for Robust Storage and Communication Using Cell Phones
Baishakhi Ray and Shivakant Mishra Department of Computer Science, University of Colorado, Boulder, USA
- Towards Distributed Robustness in Emebedded Systems
Vaclav Mikolasek and Michael Zolda Institute of Computer Engineering, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
- Towards the Development of a SOA Dependability Taxonomy: The Dependability Cube
Ian Owens, Defence Academy of the United Kingdom Graham Fletcher - Department of Informatics and Sensors, Cranfield University Defence Academy